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Absence of proper systems of cleaning of water in many industrial plants and lack of finances for cleaning installations delays the decision of water-ecological tasks for indefinite time. However, the ecological tasks are to be solved in shortest time.

One of the main ways of solving the question of saving water - creation of local systems of cleaning with multitime using of water. In this case the quantity of water consumed from outer sources and the quantity of harmful substances injected into environment decreased sharply.

Multitime using of water and when it is possible other substances received from water allows in these cases during relatively short time repay the expenses for creation the local system of water turnover cleaning of the plants and direct money released to another directions.

In dependence from the type and volume (power) of manufacturing the local water turnover systems of cleaning are to be created for the whole enterprise or for the separate units. For chemical manufacturers it is more useful to create turnover systems for separate units and for mechanical - for the whole enterprise. Enterprises posed near each other in waste of which contents approximately the same chemical substances can be united with the single system of water turnover cleaning.

It is obviously, that when determining the necessary measure of water purification in circulation systems you should pay attention not to the all-Union State Standard and MPC demands, but to the concentration of residuary substances which do not bar from technological processes of the particular production. The last circumstance can reduce substantially the necessary grade of water purification and consequently to reduce the value of purification.

Relatively small volumes of water, purified in local circulation systems, in comparison with the volume of water flow purification also leads to higher level of purification. Overall dimensions of purification systems are not usually very big. The systems are located directly in production spaces. Time of purification is determined by technological process.

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